Thursday, April 17, 2008

Well it happened

Last Sunday I died..ahem I mean I dyed. I went over to a friends house and she taught me the ins and outs of hand dyeing yarn. It was so much fun and my yard came out so to follow.

I used Kool-Aid to dye my yarn and I know that there are a few people who do not think that is really dyeing but I don't care I had so much fun and like I said it came out great.

As an aside, I have learned how to spin (yes I went to the darkside) and I LOVE IT. I am thinking of getting a wheel.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Keep on Truckin...

Sorry for not updating in a bit. My back and hip have gone out and I have not done much knitting. I am sure it is to no ones surprise that I am still working on Koolhaas although I have renamed it "Hat that won't look right but I don't care" I am going to wear it anyway with pride once it is done.

Once I finally finish it I will post pics for all to see