Saturday, November 3, 2007

Ravelry and Me...The affair begins.

Let me just start by saying this. Friends are great at getting you turned onto new experiences.

A few weeks ago at my weekly SnB meetup I kept hearing this word I had not heard before. Ravelry. Voices chattering back and forth "Are you finally on?" " I just got my invite today." Squee! All of the ladies seemed a bit euphoric about this word. So of course I just had to ask. "What is this ravelry you speak of?" "What? You don't know what it is?" Let us explain. It is this wondrous home on the World Wide Web where us fiber artists can unite in a common goal. To create more fiber art. You can organize your stash, share you past, present and future projects with others. Add patterns you have designed. Even trade yarns with other people.
Well this is beautiful. I want in.
I want Ravelry!

So that night when I get home I relay to my spouses the beauty that is Ravelry. They both roll their eyes at me and say great hon. I sit down at my computer and proceed to type it in very carefully There it is, clean, crisp and inviting. I scan the page for what I need. How to register. Then I see the words Don't have an account? Ravelry isn't ready yet. I feel crushed and awash with despair. But through my despair there is a ray of hope I can be added to the waiting list and they are inviting new people everyday. I do it . I give them my email address and find out that I can check my status any time day or night. Like the impatient goofball I am I check right then. There are 13,000 people in front of me. Did I just read that right 13,000. Holy Shit!!
After I regain my focus I realize it has to be worth the wait.... And so I wait...and wait .... and wait some more. Every day watching the number get smaller. Annoying my husbands with updates on my number in line so often one of them offered to rub out the knitters in line in front of me (he is very sweet)
After what seemed like eons (in non psycho knitters time that equals 3 weeks) there is an email waiting for me. Frecklgirl has invited YOU to Ravelry. I can't explain the joy I felt telling my fellows knitting girls how happy I was to finally be apart of this special group. I am sure that they can't fully explain how happy they were to know I would no longer be bitching "Dammit where's my %$#@ invite at?"

All in all the experience was great I am I am having a ball with the wonder that my new love has to offer. My Screen name is knittingmartyr is case anyone wants to friend me.